Come show with DEC
We are a community and family oriented show barn. Durham Equestrian Club travels with advanced students to locations in surrounding states including shows recognized by the NCHJA. We attend larger A shows multiple times a year as well as local NCHJA C shows monthly. We cater to working parents and arrange everything to help students achieve their goals in a low-pressure, supportive environment.
Why Show with us?
Healthy competition
Horse showing is a good sport for kids because it teaches healthy competition.
New goals
Having goals to work towards in their lessons gives incentive to improve and rewards hard work.
Shows provide camaraderie having all your clients there supporting each other.
Shows are a fun, confidence-building experience.
Exposure to new environments
Showing allows a horse to be exposed to life outside the barn, which prepares him for new environments and accustoms him to different sights and sounds.
Show Schedule
--All dates are tentative and subject to change--
Jan. 11th - 2024 Awards Banquet - Pinehurst
Jan. 17-19th Triangle Winter Indoors I ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
Jan. 31-Feb. 2nd Triangle Winter Indoors II ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
Feb. 1st - NCSU IHSA
Feb. 8th DEC Valentine’s Show and Parent’s Night Out - DEC
Feb. 8th - NCSU IHSA
Feb. 22nd - NCSU IHSA
Feb. 20-23rd Raleigh Indoors Winter II ‘A’ - Hunt Complex
Mar. 7-9th Triangle Spring Indoors I ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
Mar. 12-16th WEC Winter Spectacular XI ‘AA’ - World Equestrian Center, Ocala
Mar. 29th Triton One Day Show ‘C’ - Triton Stables
Mar. 29th IHSA Regionals
Apr. 5th IHSA Zones
Apr. 7th Pleasant Hill Schooling Show - Pleasant Hill
Apr. 14th Spring Cleaning - DEC
Apr. 18-20th Triangle Spring Fling Outdoors ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
May 2-5th IHSA Nationals
May 1-5th Lexington Spring Encore ‘A’ - Virginia Horse Center
May 10th Triangle Schooling Show - Triangle Farms
May 23-25th SATP Memorial Day Classic ‘C’ - Carolina Horse Park
June 12-15th Harmon Classics Derby Mania ‘C’ - Tryon
June 21st Triangle Schooling Show - Triangle Farms
TBD School’s out for Summer Social - DEC
July 12th Triangle Schooling Show - Triangle Farms
July 18-2oth Triangle Summer Indoors I ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
July 22-27th Blowing Rock I ‘AA’ - Blowing Rock
Aug. 18th Pleasant Hill Schooling Show - Pleasant Hill
Aug. 22-24th Triangle Summer Indoors II ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
TBD Back to School BBQ and Social - DEC
Sep. 5-8th Harmon Classics September Spectacular (Pink Show) ‘C’ - Tryon
Sep. 14th Pleasant Hill Schooling Show - Pleasant Hill
Sep. 26-28th Triangle Fall Fling Indoors ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
Oct. 16th-19th October at Bruce’s Field ‘A’ - Aiken
Oct. 26th DEC Halloween Fun Show & Halloween Party - DEC
Oct. 31st-2nd Triangle Indoor Finale ‘C’ - Hunt Complex
Nov. 5th-16th Duke Jump for the Children ‘AA’ - Hunt Complex
Dec. 6-8th Harmon Classics Holiday Classic (Ugly Sweater Show) ‘C’ - Tryon
TBD Holiday Party - DEC